
鱼虾蟹骰宝 鱼虾蟹骰宝


Dr Jonathan R. Wood









Dr Jonathan R. Wood

电子信箱: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0001-6630-6916

Academic Background

2015.09–2019.03 伦敦大学学院,考古研究所,考古科学博士

2014.09–2015.09 伦敦大学学院,考古研究所,考古科学硕士

2008.09–2009.09 诺丁汉大学,心理学学院,认知行为学硕士

1988.09–1992.09 萨里大学,材料科学与工程学院,物理学博士

1984.10–1988.07 萨里大学,材料科学与工程学院,物理学学士

I have been publishing scientific research since the early 1990s. My background is in materials science and includes working with polymers, composites and carbon nanotubes. I have also been a teacher and teacher trainer in schools and universities, and a strategic planner for humanitarian aid organisations.

As an archaeological scientist, I specialise in analysing archaeometric data. Over the past few years, I have worked on Parthian and Sasanian glazed pottery, New Kingdom Egypt cobalt-blue glass, Bronze and Iron Age silver from around the Mediterranean, Roman coins and ancient recycling.

My current research focusses on Chinese archaeology. As a Professor of Archaeology in the School of History and Culture at Henan University, I apply and develop methods and techniques that can be utilised to address questions regarding the artefacts unearthed in China in order to better understand the actions and behaviours of people in the past.

Selected publications部分发表记录


Wood, J.R., Ponting, M. and Butcher, K. (2023) Crisis? What Crisis? Recycling of silver for Roman Republican coinage. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15, 147. //doi.org/10.1007/s12520-023-01854-w

Wood, J.R., Ponting, M. and Butcher, K. (2023) Response to comment of Albarède and colleagues, Internet Archaeology 61. //doi.org/10.11141/ia.61.10.response

Wood, J.R., Ponting, M. and Butcher, K. (2023) Mints not Mines: a macroscale investigation of Roman silver coinage, Internet Archaeology, 61. //doi.org/10.11141/ia.61.10.

Wood, J. R. (2023) Other ways to examine the finances behind the birth of Classical Greece. Archaeometry, 65, Issue 3, 570-586. //doi.org/10.1111/arcm.12839

Wood, J.R. and Liu, Y. (2023) A multivariate approach to investigate metallurgical technology: the case of the Chinese ritual bronzes, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 30, 707-756. //link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10816-022-09572-8

Wood, J.R. (2022) Approaches to interrogate the erased histories of recycled archaeological objects. Archaeometry, 64, Issue S1, 187–205. //doi.org/10.1111/arcm.12756

Wood, J.R. and Greenacre, M. (2021) Making the most of expert knowledge to analyse archaeological data: A case study on Parthian and Sasanian glazed pottery, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13 (7), //doi.org/10.1007/s12520-021-01341-0

Wood, J.R., Hsu, Y-T. and Bell. C. (2021) Sending Laurion back to the future: Bronze Age silver and the source of confusion, Internet Archaeology, 56.//doi.org/10.11141/ia.56.9

Wood, J.R. and Hsu, Y-T. (2020) Recycling Roman glass to glaze Parthian Pottery,Iraq (British Institute for the Study of Iraq), 82,259-270. //doi.org/10.1017/irq.2020.9

Wood, J.R., Bell, C. and Montero-Ruiz, I. (2020) The origin of Tel Dor hacksilver and the westward expansion of the Phoenicians in the Early Iron Age: The Cypriot connection, Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies, 8 (1) 1-21.//www.jstor.org/stable/10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.8.1.0001

Wood, J.R. and Montero-Ruiz, I. (2019) Semi-refined silver for the silversmiths of the Iron Age Mediterranean: A mechanism for the elusiveness of Iberian silver, Trabajos de Prehistoria, 76,2,272-285.//doi.org/10.3989/tp.2019.12237

Wood, J.R., Montero-Ruiz, I. and Martinón-Torres, M. (2019) From Iberia to the southern Levant: The movement of silver across the Mediterranean in the Early Iron Age, Journal of World Prehistory, 32, 1-31.//doi.org/10.1007/s10963-018-09128-3

Wood, J.R. and Hsu, Y-T. (2019) An archaeometallurgical explanation for the disappearance of Egyptian and Near Eastern cobalt blue glass at the end of the Late Bronze Age, Internet Archaeology 52. //doi.org/10.11141/ia.52.3

Wood, J.R., Charlton, M.J., Murillo-Barroso, M. and Martinón-Torres, M. (2017) Gold parting, iridium and provenance of ancient silver: A reply to Pernicka, Journal of Archaeological Science, 86, 127-130. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2017.07.005

Wood, J.R., Charlton, M.J., Murillo-Barroso, M. and Martinón-Torres, M. (2017) Iridium to provenance ancient silver, Journal of Archaeological Science, 81, 1-12. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2017.03.002

Recent conference/Book chapter publications专著/章节

Wood, J.R. (2024) Identifying episodes of recycling in the archaeological record. In: I. Bavuso, G. Furlan, E.E. Intagliata, J. Steding (eds.) Economic Circularity in the Roman and Early Medieval Worlds: New perspectives on invisible agents and dynamics, Oxbow Books. ISBN: 9781789259964 //warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/research/dept_projects/racom/publications/

Bell C. and Wood, J.R. (2021) Reflections on the westward expansion of the Phoenicians in the Early Iron Age: the search for silver and technology transfer, Responses to the 12th Century BC Collapse: Recovery and Restructuration in the Early Iron Age Near East and Mediterranean, Melammu Workshop at the University of Tartu (Estonia), 7-9 June 2019. (in press)


Wood, J.R. (2018) Phoenician silver: The Cypriot connection, IX International Congress on Phoenician and Punic Studies, A Journey Between East and West of the Mediterranean and its Peripheries, Mérida, Extremadura, Spain, 22nd-26th October 2018.

Wood, J.R. (2018) Arguments for the exploitation of silver on ancient Cyprus, The 42nd International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA), Merida, Mexico, May 20th – 26th 2018.

Wood, J.R. (2017) Iridium in Anatolian silver: A method to provenance silver objects, Oztunali 2017 International Symposium on Geoarchaeology, Ancient Mining and Metallurgy, 1st-5th November 2017.

Wood, J.R. (2017) The movement of silver in the Early Iron Age: A method to identify ore sources and mixing, The ninth international conference on the beginnings of the use of metals and alloys (BUMA), Busan, Korea, 16th-19th October 2017.

Wood, J.R. (2017) Iridium to provenance ancient silver, UK Archaeological Science Conference (UKAS), University College London, 5th – 8th April 2017.

Wood, J.R., Freestone, I.C. and Tomber, R. (2016) Recycled vessel glass as a raw material in the production of Mesopotamian alkali ceramic glazes, The 41st International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA), Kalamata, May 15th – 21st 2016.


Wood, J.R. (2015) The metallurgy of Roman silver coinage: from the reform of Nero to the reform of Trajan, Historical Metallurgy, 49 (1), 63.


Wood, J.R. (2023) Roman Republican Coinage: chemical signatures on a bigger picture, Rome and the Coinages of the Mediterranean, 150 BCE to 64 CE, Two-Day International Conference, The British School at Rome, ITALY April 17th & 18th 2023.

Wood, J.R. (2022) Other ways to examine the finances behind the birth of Classical Greece, LIVERPOOL ANCIENT ECONOMIES WORKSHOP, Monetising Ancient Economies 1-2 December 2022.

Wood, J.R. (2022) Mints not mines: a macroscale investigation of Roman silver coinage, RACOM Advisory Board Meeting, 3-4th November 2022, Venice.

Wood, J.R. (2022) Identifying episodes of recycling in the archaeological record, Aarhus University: Invisible Circularity from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages, 7–8 September 2022.

Wood, J.R. (2021) Compositional and isotopic approaches to provenancing ancient silver, Northwest University, Xi’an (西北大学), China, June 2021.

Recent Press






//dailygeekshow.com/romains-rome-recyclage/ (in French)

//www.focus.pl/artykul/recykling-starozytny-rzym-przetapianie-srebra (in Polish)

