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作者:   人气:  发表时间:2020年09月22日 22:18


一、 基本信息

武喜艳,女,1991年9月出生,山西忻州人。2014年毕业于山西师范大学生物学专业,获理学学士学位;同年进入吉林大学边疆考古研究中心古DNA实验室学习,2017年6月获得理学硕士学位,2020年6月获得理学博士学位。博士就读期间,于2018年10月至12月赴德国马克斯普朗克人类历史研究所访学。2020年7月入职鱼虾蟹骰宝-经典骰子游戏玩法 & 规则介绍 。

二、 研究方向


三、 发表论文

1. Xiyan Wu., Baoxu, Ding., ... Yinqiu Cui., Lei Gong. Phylogenetic and population structural inference from genomic ancestry maintained in present-day common wheat Chinese landraces. The Plant Journal. 2019, 99(2),201-215.//doi.org/10.1111/tpj.14421.

2. Xiyan Wu., Chao Ning., ... Dawei Cai., Yinqiu Cui. Mitochondrial genome of an 8,400-year old individual from northern China reveals an extinct lineage of C5d. Human Biology. 2019, 91(1),21-30. //doi.org/10.13110/humanbiology.91.1.04.

3. 武喜艳, 张野, 李佳伟, 赵永斌, 李添娇, 周慧. 从呼伦贝尔陈巴尔虎旗岗嘎墓地人骨的 DNA 研究初探蒙古族源.《考古. 202004, 119-127.

4. Xiyan Wu., Chao Ning., Felix M.Key., ... Alexander Herbig., Yinqiu Cui. Bronze age Salmonella enterica genomes reveal high genetic diversity of Para C group in China. 2020. (投稿).

5. Zhang Ye, Xiyan Wu, Jiawei Li., ... Hui Zhou. The Y-chromosome haplogroup C3*-F3918, likely attributed to the Mongol Empire, can be traced to a 2500-year-old nomadic group. Journal of Human Genetics. 2018, 63(2): 231-238.//doi.org/10.1038/s10038-017-0357-z.

6. Chao Ning, Tianjiao Li, Ke Wang, Fan Zhang, Tao Li, Xiyan Wu., …Yinqiu Cui. Ancient genomes from northern China suggest links between subsistence changes and human migration. Nature Communication. 2020,11(1):2700.//doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16557-2.

7. Zhang, Y., Li, J., Zhao, Y., Wu, X., Li, H., & Yao, L., et al. Genetic diversity of two Neolithic populations provides evidence of farming expansions in north china. Journal of Human Genetics. 2016, 62(2):199-204. (https://doi.org/10.1038/jhg.2016.107).

8. Ning, C., Wang, C. C., Gao, S., Yang, Y., Zhang, X., Wu, X., ... & Yinqiu Cui. Ancient Genomes Reveal Yamnaya-Related Ancestry and a Potential Source of Indo-European Speakers in Iron Age Tianshan. Current Biology. 2019,29(15):2526-2532. (//doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.06.044).

9. 智艳平, 武喜艳, 安瑶瑶郜刚. (2013). 青枯菌SRAP-PCR体系的建立与优化. 《山西师范大学学报》.

四、 科研项目

